Because you must usually keep office relationships a secret, other employees may flirt with your partner or vice-versa. 因为通常你必须要隐瞒办公室恋情,而其他员工可能会与你的伴侣打情骂俏,或是相反的情况。
Give secret information ( esp to the police about a partner or accomplice in crime); become an informer 告密(尤指向警方告发同伙或同谋);充当告密者
The secret love affair ended two years later when Laporte refused to move in ( 9) with Picasso after his partner, artist Francoise Gilot, left him. 这段秘密的恋情在两年后结束,因为毕加索的情人弗朗索瓦·吉洛离开他后,拉珀特也不想和他再继续交往下去了。